National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day

This is a holiday I can really get behind!


Gear up for National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day! Happening every third Friday in April, this crucial day is all about purging your home of unused or expired medications that could pose serious risks.

Why should you care? Leftover medications can tempt family members, friends, or visitors, potentially leading to misuse or abuse. Plus, improper disposal can wreak havoc on our environment, contaminating the water we drink and the soil that nourishes our food.

How to Make a Difference:

1. **Survey and Sort:** Dive into every nook where medications might hide — from medicine cabinets to kitchen drawers. Don’t forget to check your pet’s meds too!

2. **Eco-Friendly Disposal:** Say no to flushing meds! Opt for at-home drug disposal solutions like DisposeRx to keep our waters clean.

3. **DEA National Drug Takeback Day:** Got a stash to clear out? Join in on DEA’s Takeback Day, held twice a year for those larger hauls.

Share Your Success: After you’ve cleared out your meds, snap a photo and share it on social using the hashtag #CleanOutMedsDay. Let’s spread the word and encourage others to join the movement!

DisposeRx initiated National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day in 2019 to spotlight the dangers of hoarding old meds. With risks ranging from drug addiction to accidental poisoning, it’s more important than ever to keep our homes safe and our environments clean.

Mark your calendars! This day is officially recognized on the third Friday in April each year. And remember, when it comes to medicine, storage matters. Keep your meds in cool, dry, dark places to preserve their potency.

Did you know? Medications can lose or even increase their potency over time, depending on how they’re stored. Make sure your meds are safe and effective by keeping them in optimal conditions.

Join in making homes safer and the planet healthier on National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day!

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