“Quia resplicit” from Bach’s Magnificat in D Major

Pender UMC’s Good Friday service on March 29, 2024 was a profound experience that commenced with attendees entering a darkened sanctuary, enveloped in silence, setting the tone for a night of reflective worship.


The evening included  the ethereal beauty of “Quia resplicit,” a mesmerizing soprano aria from J.S. Bach’s Magnificat in D major, BWV 243. The lyrics, taken from the Bible’s Book of Luke, express Mary’s joy and thankfulness as she reflects on the honor of being chosen as the mother of Jesus Christ. This piece, expressing Mary’s joy and humility, was brought to life by the exquisite vocal talents of soprano Andrea Quinones, with Heidi Jacobs providing the instrumental accompaniment.


This performance was a highlight of the evening, showcasing a segment of Bach’s Magnificat, a pivotal work in Baroque choral tradition. The audience was invited to immerse themselves in the nuanced interplay of voice and music, reflecting Bach’s skill in melding scriptural narrative with harmonious sound.


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