Another anniversary rolls around, the 52nd, to be exact. From a few years ago t-shirts:
I always like to check out this picture of our wedding expenses. We have it framed and sitting on our mantle.
Tom paid $50.46 (blood tests and wedding ring!) and my costs (I made my own dress) were $29.25.
We were lucky. My dad was the minister at the Barre (MA) Congregational Church so he didn’t charge us to perform the service. The women of the church provided the reception in the parsonage. My mom chipped in the flowers.
Well worth the cost!

Our honeymoon was in upstate New York so Tom could look for a job. My only memories of that trip were the snow coming in under the door of our motel and Tom not getting a job.
After that, we drove back to Boston where we rented the bottom floor of my mother-in-law’s house. In Dorchester, many of the homes were triple deckers and families could have one, two or three floors.
This isn’t where we lived, but a very similar look to her house.
We got all moved in and painted everything (we decided to paint my sewing room a cheery yellow. The walls just sucked in the yellow paint and we had to use many, many coats). So, Tom got a job in Washington, DC.
So, we packed up and found a small apartment in Alexandria, VA.
That apartment was so small…when my parents came to visit, they slept on cots in the living room with their feet under my newly-acquired piano.
Then we moved to Holmes Run Parkway (also in Alexandria), Silver Spring, MD, Wilmington, DE, and finally settled in Fairfax, VA.
Nine years ago to celebrate our anniversary, Tom had a heart attack. I wrote a lot about that here:
Nowadays, our son is married and has 2 sons of his own.
I was hoping for a nice, quiet day today but it’s a meeting/work/rehearsal day.