One World, One Sky: Big Bird’s Adventure

National Air and Space Museum 6th St. and Independence Ave SW, Washington

In this free planetarium show, join Big Bird and Elmo as they explore the night sky with Hu Hu Zhu, a Muppet from "Zhima Jie," the Chinese co-production of Sesame Street. Together they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth. They also journey to […]

Make a Spaghetti Tower

Culmore Library (Woodrow Wilson) 6101 Knollwood Dr, Falls Church

Come to our library and make a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows! All supplies will be provided.

Make an Orange Pomander!

Culmore Library (Woodrow Wilson) 6101 Knollwood Dr, Falls Church

What is an orange pomander? I'm glad you asked! Pomanders are simply oranges pierced by cloves. As the orange dries, it make a lovely fragrance. Orange pomanders make beautiful gifts, ornaments, and air fresheners. Medieval herbalists used pomanders, which were mixtures of fragrant dried herbs in cloth bags and perforated boxes, to ward off illness […]