Fiber Friday

Calling all knitters, crocheters, and yarn enthusiasts! Join us every Friday from 12-2 in our Makerspace to hang out with other fiber friends and maybe learn a technique or two. Bring your own project or get started with our supplies. Ages 13+ welcome.


George Mason Regional Library 7001 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA, United States

Bingo + Gentle Exercises = BINGOCIZE®:  Bingocize® is an evidence-based program that combines the game of bingo with fall prevention exercises (seated or standing) and fall prevention information. Participants play bingo, win prizes, and meet new people while learning about techniques to reduce falls and increase activity. This program meets Wednesdays and Fridays from October 2 […]

Brain Power

Reston Regional Library 11925 Bowman Towne Dr,, Reston, United States

Enhance your mental fitness with "Train Your Brain" activities! Sudoku, crosswords, Color Me Happy, and word searches. Each activity is aimed at stimulating cognitive function and supporting memory improvement. These activities are located at the information desk. This is a whole month passive program open to all adults.

Brain Power

Reston Regional Library 11925 Bowman Towne Dr,, Reston, United States

Enhance your mental fitness with "Train Your Brain" activities! Sudoku, crosswords, Color Me Happy, and word searches. Each activity is aimed at stimulating cognitive function and supporting memory improvement. These activities are located at the information desk. This is a whole month passive program open to all adults.

Share Your Stories of A Lifetime: A Video Autobiography Event

Thomas Jefferson Library 7415 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church, VA, United States

Learn how to create your own video autobiography! Learn tips for organizing your memories, crafting narratives, and preserving your legacy for future generations. This program will inspire and empower you to document your life. Perfect for adults of all ages and experience levels.

Smart Choices: Don’t Get Scammed!

Reston Regional Library 11925 Bowman Towne Dr,, Reston, United States

This presentation will explore common scams affecting our community and provide practical tips to help you protect yourself from becoming a victim. It will also cover the role of Artificial Intelligence in enabling some of these scams. Register here.

Fairfax Knitters

City of Fairfax Regional Library 10360 North Street, Fairfax, VA, United States

Novice or pro, join others who love to knit. Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m at the City of Fairfax Regional Library. Adults.

Coffee and Crafts

Pohick Regional Library 6450 Sydenstricker Rd., Burke, VA, United States

Visit us in our maker space and try out our sewing machine, Cricut, or one of our maker boxes. Bring a project to work on or make one of ours. […]

Event Series Coffee and Crafts

Coffee and Crafts

Pohick Regional Library 6450 Sydenstricker Rd., Burke, VA, United States

Visit us in our maker space and try out our sewing machine, Cricut, or one of our maker boxes. Bring a project to work on or make one of ours.  […]

Event Series Coffee and Crafts

Coffee and Crafts

Pohick Regional Library 6450 Sydenstricker Rd., Burke, VA, United States

Visit us in our maker space and try out our sewing machine, Cricut, or one of our maker boxes. Bring a project to work on or make one of ours.  […]


George Mason Regional Library 7001 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA, United States

Bingo + Gentle Exercises = BINGOCIZE®:  Bingocize® is an evidence-based program that combines the game of bingo with fall prevention exercises (seated or standing) and fall prevention information. Participants play bingo, […]

Centreville Sewciety: Sewing Club for All Levels

Centreville Regional Library 14200 St. Germain Dr, Centreville, United States

Join us for hand and machine sewing, crochet, and embroidery! Chat, make friends, and work on sewing projects with your community. Sewing machine and basic sewing materials provided. Registration not required. […]