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Event Series Event Series: Sign up for Pender’s Poetry Slam

Sign up for Pender’s Poetry Slam

January 21

Scan the QR code below for the Poetry Slam Application and Guidelines.

Please email completed form to webmaster@penderumc.org


Please review and make sure to adhere to the following guidelines before submitting your poem:

  1. Submit only one poem.
  2. Your poem must be an original piece of work. Plagiarism is a very serious offense.
  3. The theme is TRANSFORMATION.
  4. Poetry can be written in any style on the subject of TRANSFORMATION.
  5. Please use proper language. Poems containing language that is vulgar, offensive, or wholly inappropriate will not be accepted.
  6. All poems must be written in English.
  7. The writer must be a student, at least 13 years old in the 7th grade.
  8. By submitting your poem to this poetry slam, you accept that your poem will appear online and may appear in a print anthology. Regardless of how your poem will appear, you will be credited as the author.
  9. We reserve the right to not publish a poem for any reason.
  10. Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
  11. Originality and creativity.
  12. Quality of the poem – is the idea of TRANSFORMATION communicated clearly?
  13. Is the poem well organized?
  14. Poets can recite poems from memory or read from paper.
  15. Poets cannot use props, costumes, or musical instruments.
  16. The delivery of the poem is just as important as the content.
  17. Performers will be treated with respect.
  18. A poet who is physically unable to read their poem onstage due to a permanent or temporary impairment may have a substitute reader perform the poem as long as: (a) the primary author is in the space and positioned where they are clearly visible to the audience and (b) the reader delivers the poem without significant affectation that draws attention away from the author.
  1. We recognize that being on stage may be terrifying. A poet who experiences extreme anxiety about being on stage or who otherwise requires physical support to be on stage may have a teammate or coach accompany, provided that the accompanying support person remains physically neutral on stage and does not engage in anyway that could be considered to make them a performer.
  2. Entries can be submitted electronically with this poetry slam application completed to Pender United Methodist Church OR mailed to Pender United Methodist Church, 12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, Virginia 22033, or dropped off at the church office.
  3. All entries must be received in Pender United Methodist Church office no later than Saturday, February 15, 2025.




  • Three swag bags will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winner.
  • Each swag bag will have a variety of items to include a $100, $75, and $50 Amazon gift card respectively included.



Pender UMC
12401 Alder Woods Drive
Fairfax, VA 22033 United States
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