#911 Tartan


The #911Tartan by designer Stacy Clark.
This somber #tartan was designed to remember the fateful events of September 11, 2001.
9/11″ is literally weaved within the very fabric of the material. In 16oz wool the thread count is 234 (2+3+4=”9″) and the sett is 6.5″ (6+5=”11″), hence 9/11.
In regard to the colors, the black background is in remembrance of all who were lost on and after that fateful date.
The wider gray columns represent the World Trade Center Towers which have become forever synonymous with the attacks. All other colors are purposely muted against the black and the gray to be almost indistinguishable from each other,  just as all who responded could not be told apart in their common mission to save lives.
The red flanking either side of the towers pays tribute to all firefighters. The blue outside that honors all law enforcement.
The green stripes pay tribute to the military and the muted white includes all medical and civilian responders.

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